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Sachem East High School

Guidance Publications / Scholarship Newsletters


The Guidance Department publishes important information and updates for students and their families throughout the school year.  Below, you will find some helpful publications on the college process and scholarships, programming for the upcoming school year, and general information for Sachem North students.  Publications currently available are:



Scholarship Information & Newsletters

  •  All regional/national scholarships can be found on your Naviance account:  Click on the "Colleges" tab at the  top, select "Scholarships & Money" from the drop-down list, then select "Scholarship List"
  • Local Scholarship Packet 2024-2025: Coming Soon!
  • Additional 2024-2025 Scholarships: Coming Soon!


Correspondence & Presentations


School Profile


College Handbooks


Course Handbook & Programming Folders

Click here for the current Guidance Handbook and Grade Level Course Selection/Programming Folders

AP Capstone Presentation