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Sachem North High School


  • Homecoming tickets are on sale in the school store. They are $40 cash only. The dance is Friday, Sept 26 from 6-9 pm in the gymnasium.
  • The yearbook club will be holding it’s first meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 18 during 10th period in Room H113. If you are interested in working on the yearbook in any capacity this year, please attend the meeting for more information. See Mrs. Kiely or Mrs. Gonzalez if you have any questions.
  • Attention Seniors! If you have not already had your senior portrait taken, you need to do so ASAP!. Photos must be taken by Dec 1st in order to ensure they are included in the yearbook. You need to schedule your photos with JoArt Photographers in Sayville. See the Senior Google Classroom for more information on how to get in touch with them.
  • There will be a Freshman class meeting on Wednesday 9/18 in Room D210 during 10th period.
  • All 23-24 members of the Mentor club should check out the information outside of H115 to join the google classroom and remind. The first meeting will be on Oct 8th during 10th period in Room H115.


-SUNY Information Night at North 9/24 @ 6:30

-Senior College Application Process: Counselors will be going into Sr. English classes on Sept. 17th and 18th to go over the application process with the students.


PSAT- Will take place @ Samoset 10/26 -Registration is through PaySchools and the cost is $28. Students must register by 9/22 (open to 10th and 11th graders)


SAT/ACT upcoming test dates and registration deadlines:

SAT: 10/5/24-test day- Registration Deadline:9/20/24 -late registration deadline: 9/24-24

ACT: 10/26/24 test day- Registration Deadline:9/20/24 -late registration deadline 10/7/24



Clarkson University-Tuesday 9/24/24 2nd period

Roger Williams University-Tuesday 9/24/24 3rd period

Worcester Polytechnic Institute-Wednesday 9/25/24 3rd period

LIU Post-Wednesday 9/25/25 4th period



Student of the day is back at North! Our first nominees for students of the day are Aidan Musicaro, Jacalyn Zampieron, Alain Alarcon, Shannon Forgiones, Nick Golding and Ryan Medina for volunteering their time to run a beautiful ceremony to honor and remember those we lost on 9-11. Your hard work and efforts meant so much to the community and families that attended our ceremony. Excellent job!



Today’s students of the day are the wonderfully talented and insightful students from Ms. DelSeni’s, Mr. Weston’s and Mrs. Rovere’s English classes that wrote amazing and poignant essays for our 9-11 ceremony. Thank you to Ryan Rosario, Jason Placente, Abigail Valle, Hannah Reuter and Tasmiah Tawhid for their beautifully written essays on 9-11 and everyday heroism. They were outstanding!