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Today is Friday, December 20th 2024 Day 69, A

  • Students must wear ID’s daily and have them visible.
  • Breakfast is available to purchase. You must have a breakfast pass to attend.
  • Lost and found is located in the cafeteria. Any items not collected will be donated at the end of the month.
  • Attention 8th Please join the 8th grade Field Trip Google Classroom with class code: 4764vum to learn more information on your end of the year NYC Cruise Trip. All questions can be directed to Ms. Fort in room 320B.
  • Final Forms Registration is now open for Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball and wrestling. Try-outs for these sports will start January 13th. All students trying out for these sports MUST be registered and cleared by the nurse’s office prior to January 13th.
  • Any 7th or 8th grade girl interested in playing basketball please see Mrs. Angermaier in the gym!
  • Gerrity’s lessons are cancelled today!
  • There will be a mandatory wrestling meeting on Tuesday, January 7th in room 313 immediately after school. Any questions see Mr. Seickel in room 313.