Sachem Celebrates National Girls and Women in Sports Day (more)
Racing to a Win (more)
Cayuga awarded grand prize in the TangerKids Grant Program (more)
2025-2026 UPK Lottery Information (more)
Tickets Available for Sachem Education Foundation Gala (more)
Wrestling Team Heads to States (more)
Click here to view the calendar.
Date Added: 2/6/2025
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Click here to open the 2025-2026 UPK Lottery Application
Date Added: 2/5/2025
EMF Rehearsal #3 @Sam, Sen, Sag 6-8:30PM
East & North Spirit Week
EMF Concert @ East 6:30PM
MS Student Gov’t. Event
Family Connect Night
Blood Drive @ North
Northwell Health Information
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Guidance Department
The Sachem Family (students, parents, employees and residents) works interdependently to develop leaders of great character who are highly competent, confident and caring. Most importantly we are motivating our students to become the best possible version of themselves.WE ARE SACHEM!