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Waverly Elementary School

1111 Waverly Avenue
Holtsville, NY 11742
Phone: (631) 654-8690
Fax: (631) 475-3970
Kevin Tougher, Principal
Kristina McDonald, Principal’s Aide
School Hours: 8:50 am - 3:20 pm


Please note that in the case of a 2-hour delayed opening, students should be at bus stops 2 hours from their regular pick-up time.  School will start at 10:50 a.m.

Sachem Letter Writing Campaign - March 13th & 14th 2:30-5:00PM

Sachem Letter Writing Campaign


Waverly PTA Supply Ordering

2024-2025 Supply Lists

Clever Student Login

Registration Information

Updated NYS Immunization Requirements

Updated NYS Physical Form


Click here to view the Waverly Elementary Photo Slideshow


Mission Statement:

The Sachem Family (students,  parents, employees and residents) works interdependently to develop leaders of great character who are highly competent, confident and caring. Most importantly we are motivating our students to become the best possible version of themselves. WE ARE  SACHEM!


In the News

Waverly Celebrates 10 Years of Hosting St. Baldrick’s Event

student group photo for St Baldricks event thumbnail265099

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Waverly Elementary School hosting the St. Baldrick’s Event, a special occasion dedicated to raising funds for childhood cancer research. So far, the event has successfully raised over $15,000, demonstrating the incredible generosity and commitment of the Waverly community.

A particularly heartfelt moment of the event was honoring Brody Canestro, a Waverly student who battled cancer as a 4-month-old and is now thriving. His story served as a powerful reminder of the importance of supporting childhood cancer research.

To show their solidarity, several participants bravely shaved their heads, with assistance from the talented Sachem East cosmetology team. This year’s participants included five students, one teacher and a parent:

* Flynn Messina (fifth grade).
* Justin Olsen (third grade).
* Ryan Olitsky (third grade).
* Brandon Johnson (third grade).
* Jack Macchio (second grade).
* Greg Olsen (parent).
* Jack Ackerman (staff).

The event was a touching display of community spirit and support, highlighting Waverly’s ongoing commitment to making a difference in the fight against childhood cancer.

Click here to view the Waverly Celebrates 10 Years of Hosting St. Baldrick’s Event slideshow.

Date Added: 3/21/2025
