Sachem Instructional Technology Team
School Communication Aides - SCA
Communication Aides are at the school level for immediate assistance. They are the first line of support for issues with classroom computers, printers, interactive whiteboards, and computer labs. SCAs set up technology for meetings and special events as well as perform maintenance on devices throughout their buildings.
Staff Developers - TIS Teacher Integration Specialists
Teacher Integration Specialists offer support to teachers in the area of technology integration in order to facilitate the implementation of the New York State Learning Standards. They are NYS certified teachers who are experts in the use of various technologies to support teaching and learning. They specialize in providing customized professional development either in workshop or job-embedded format as well as instructional technology support to the administrative team. **Please note that due to budget constraints, Staff Developers will be working only for a few days in buildings this year. Building Principals will be setting up specific training days with them for your buildings.**
Sachem Instructional Technology Engineers maintain the network of computers throughout our 15 schools. They work in direct contact with School Communication Aides and perform on-site to repair computers, interactive whiteboards, and other hardware when needed.