Personnel Office and Human Resources
Coaching Corner

The Sachem Central School District is committed to provide athletic opportunities of the highest caliber for our students. We are committed to the development of well rounded students and athletic excellence.
Coaching can be one of the most rewarding experiences; the lessons taught and learned by coaches and players alike on and off the field are unforgettable and provide skills and talents used throughout life.
Responsible coaching requires dedication, commitment, and a sense of pride. As a coach, you will guide individual players to work together as a team. We expect our coaches to respect the individual strengths and differences found within each individual player; likewise, we expect our players to respect the same within each other and with our coaching staff. While it is true that Sachem is proud of it winning tradition, more importantly, Sachem is proud that our coaches and players epitomize true sportsmanship.
In order to be a coach within Sachem, you will need to fill out an application and send it to the Athletic Office. In addition, our coaches are required to fulfill the requirements for coaching certification as required by the New York State Education Department. These requirements include a course in CPR and a course in first aid in order to receive your initial temporary coaching license. All coaches are required to take additional courses including:
- Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics.
- Course in Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse / Course in Violence Prevention
- Health Science Applied to Coaching
- Theories and Techniques of Coaching
We encourage you to click on the link found to the left to become familiar with the exact pathway to receiving coaching certification. Many of the required courses can be arranged through our Athletic Office.
If you are interested in coaching, please take the time to review the information available through this site. If you feel you have the time, energy, and can meet the coaching requirements, please download the application, complete it and send it to the Athletic Office. If you have any questions about coaching, please feel free to use the contact information found on this page.