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Science Research Students Win Big at NYSSEF Andromeda Fair

Congratulations to our Sachem students who won awards in the environmental sciences category at the 2024 NYSSEF Andromeda Fair. thumbnail259908

Congratulations to our Sachem students who won awards in the environmental sciences category at the 2024 NYSSEF Andromeda Fair.

Tasmiah Tawhid, Sachem North junior science research student, earned first place in environmental sciences. The title of her project was “The Role of Pleurotus ostreatus in Mycoredediation of an Aquatic Environment.”

The team of Sachem East freshman researchers, Zaima Noaman and Ananya, won second place in environmental sciences. The title of their project was “The Potential of Pestalotiopsis microspora and Pleurotus ostreatus to Mycoremediate Plastics.”

Date Added: 6/20/2024