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Senecon 2025

Student getting face drawn. thumbnail264391

A day of love and kindness was sprinkled with some fun activities at Seneca Middle School on Feb. 14. In addition to a game show and visit by the talented and entertaining juggler Jester Jim, a story arts assembly that featured face painting took place at the end of the day. 

Painter and storyteller Christopher Agostino presented a performance piece that was storytelling combined with the exploration of the cultural traditions of masks and body art. Mr. Agostino had several student volunteers join him on stage as he shared a story, engaging the audience with animated folktales and adventure tales of world culture and humanity. As he told his stories, the audience did not see what he was painting on the students’ faces. When his story ended, he revealed his masterpieces to them to great applause.

Teacher librarian Amelia Estevez Creedon lauded the events of Senecon, the school’s annual tradition before the winter break that celebrates literacy, the arts and hands-on learning. Its purpose is to encourage students to connect with the works of authors, illustrators, musicians, storytellers and artists.


Click here to view the Senecon 2025 slideshow.


Date Added: 2/25/2025