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P.S. I Love You Day 2025 at Sachem HS East

Students at booth for P.S. I Love You Day. thumbnail264528

The collaboration of Christina Bou (special education chair), Jonathan Chiaramonte (Peer Education and history teacher) and Dina St. Giles (school psychologist) helped bring this year’s theme, “A brighter tomorrow begins today,” to life.

Students created art to spread love and kindness, with projects like a heart-shaped sunburst made from index cards and painted rocks with positive messages, all serving as permanent reminders of positivity throughout the building.

The National Art Honor Society, Sachem East Art Club and volunteers from Math Honor Society, Peer Education and Project Happiness worked together to make this day unforgettable.

On Feb. 14, students and staff wore purple to support mental health awareness and P.S. I Love You Day. A special thank-you to Jacquelyn Wrightson (librarian), Jim Byrne (tech teacher) and the custodial staff for their support in making this event possible.



Date Added: 2/27/2025