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Sachem Students Recognized for Exceptional Musical Achievements at Board of Education Meeting

Music Students in grades 9 through 12 thumbnail264540
Music Students in grades 9 through 12 thumbnail264541

At a recent Board of Education meeting, several Sachem students were honored for their outstanding musical accomplishments. These students, from both the East and North campuses, were recognized for their selection to prestigious regional and state music ensembles, demonstrating the exceptional talent and dedication within the Sachem community.

Students in grades 9 through 12 earned spots in esteemed ensembles such as the Long Island String Festival Association (LISFA) and the Suffolk County Music Educators Association (SCMEA). LISFA’s honors orchestras, composed of top string musicians from across Suffolk County, recognized students in the Division 9-10 and 11-12 orchestras. The SCMEA Division III ensembles feature top student musicians in band, chorus and orchestra from across Suffolk County, and several Sachem students were selected to perform.

Additional recognition was given to those selected for the New York State Council of Administrators of Music Education (NYSCAME) All-County groups, as well as to students invited to perform at prestigious state and national events. Notable honorees include Jaden Rudnicki, a French horn player chosen for the All-State Symphony Orchestra and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) All-Eastern Orchestra, and Matthew Umbenhower, a violist selected for the All-State Symphony Orchestra and the NAfME All-Eastern Orchestra.

Congratulations to all of the student musicians for their well-deserved recognition!

Date Added: 2/28/2025