Chippewa Elementary School
Principal's Page
January 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday break and the opportunity to spend time with family and friends.
Winter is upon us! Please remember to dress your children for cold weather. The temperature in the building fluctuates from room to room. Please dress your child in layers or have them keep an extra sweater in their classroom so they can be as comfortable as possible. I want to send our students outside for recess when the weather cooperates. Please remember to send your child to school with a hat and gloves. Please know if the temperature with the wind chill included in the calculation is below 32 degrees, students will remain inside for recess.
Some important dates to remember:
January 6th School reopens after break.
January 6th Comfy Cozy Spirit Day
January 9th PTA meeting 7:00 PM - Please join us!
January 10th Chippewa Spirit Gear Spirit Day
January 16th Ice Cream Social with Jester Jim - Please join us!
January 20th School Closed- Martin Luther King Day
January 24th Chippewa Spirit Gear Spirit Day
January 31st Zingo
It is important that our students are here for the entire school day. Attendance is being collected and reported to the New York State Education Department. Please make sure your children are in the building by 8:45 A.M. If they arrive after 8:45 A.M., please park your vehicle and walk them into the building. You will sign them in at the vestibule window with our Hall Monitor. Any student who is picked up early from school must also be reported. Please do your best to schedule appointments after the school day. Your effort in this area is greatly appreciated.
Please make sure that you have a consistent dismissal plan for your children. In order to ensure our students feel safe and comfortable, last minute changes add unnecessary stress to their day and can cause confusion for the classroom teacher and for the building. Should you have no other option but to alter the typical plan, please make sure it is in writing to the teacher and sent in with your child in the morning. Email and phone calls are for emergencies only. Please do not count on your teacher viewing an email during the day as they may not see the email due to their teaching duties and responsibilities.
As always, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (631) 696-8640 or email me at I want to wish our entire Chippewa community a healthy, happy, safe and wonderful 2025!
Michael S. Saidens