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Lynwood Avenue Elementary School

Principal's Page

July 8th, 2024

Dear Lynwood Families,

As your new building principal, I am thankful and proud to have earned the opportunity to write this letter to you. Becoming a school leader has been a goal of mine from the moment I walked into my first classroom. As I now move into my twenty-third year in education in a new position, at a new school and becoming part of a new community, I am flooded with the excitement and eagerness this opportunity provides.

My one and only priority is to provide your children with the very best education possible. Experience has taught me that in order to accomplish this mission we need to work together as a team. Our team must include the teachers and staff at Lynwood, our Sachem families and, most importantly, our students. By working together, great things can happen. By supporting each other, we can create experiences and memories that our students can cherish for their entire lives.

I believe in the power of education to improve lives and that our schools, especially elementary schools, are places where amazing things should happen each day. From the wonder in the eyes of a new kindergartener at the beginning of their academic journey, to the apprehensiveness of outgoing fifth graders leaving the only school they have ever known, and everything in between; it all happens within Lynwood’s walls. These student learning journeys are what make schools special places.

I am also convinced that schools are the center of any community. They should be places where all community members feel welcomed and appreciated. They must be safe, inclusive and most importantly, be places we are all proud of and hold in high esteem. In order to accomplish this, we all need to work together. We must stay focused on our common goals, which we will collaboratively set, and we must always remember why we are here… for the students.

Throughout this school year I plan on creating opportunities for us all to engage together and be together. As these opportunities present themselves, I hope we all make the most of them. I encourage you to join our PTA and get involved to enhance our school culture. Nobody has more of a vested interest in our school or more to gain from our school’s success than yourselves. My door, of course, is always open to students, but it is also open to parents as well. Feel free to reach out with any questions or ideas as we move throughout the coming school year.

I thank you for your interest and commitment to Lynwood and your trust that I hope to earn. I will approach this year with an open mind for improving our school and an open heart for helping students excel academically, socially, and emotionally.

My plan is to reach out again soon with specific opportunities for parents and students to stop in and meet me. These informal meetings are simply a way to start our working relationship. I look forward to meeting you and of course to the start of an amazing school year.

Christopher Washousky

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