Merrimac Elementary School
Lighthouse Team
Lighthouse Teams
The Leader in Me provides our school with the vision and language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas of development. As each child discovers and develops his/her unique gifts and talents, they are given opportunities to lead. As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education and their self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows. The children quickly understand the benefits of different gifts and talents; they learn to listen to new ideas, work together to achieve results, and motivate one another to be the best.
Merrimac has a Lighthouse Team comprised of students, staff and parents. We work collaboratively to begin with the end in mind by setting goals and formulating a plan action for the school year. We link our school-wide goals to our classroom and individual goals.
Our Student Lighthouse Team is a group of students with exceptional
leadership skills who are committed to serving our school. This team is
led by Ms. Barbara Montalbano. Throughout the year they will work on
school improvement projects, community service projects, and plan
leadership events and opportunities.
The purpose of the Lighthouse Team is to promote The Leader in Me model
inside the school so that it stays strong and vibrant year after year.
They are the champions of the process. They are called the Lighthouse
Team because they coordinate the school-wide work needed to achieve and
maintain Lighthouse status.
The Student Lighthouse Team represents Merrimac Elementary in the
community. This team is composed of a student from each class - K-5.
The Student Lighthouse Team is involved in decision-making, school
projects, and public appearances, such as speaking to community groups
to represent our school.
Lighthouse Teams
Student Members: Sidak C., Marisa L., Nico F., Megan K., Colton S., Matthew B., Emma P., Julia Q., Haley F., Juliana B., Mason R., Jacob B., Rachel P., Derek C., Gabriel M., Joseph W., Ava L., Mikayla L., Dylan S., Gianna F.
Parent members: Mrs. Herdina, Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Fucci, and Mrs. Webster
Teacher members: Ms. Fredette, Mrs. Recupero, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs.
Motroni, Ms. Martinez, Mrs. O'Malley, Mrs. Scardino , Mrs. Baker, Ms.
Degenhardt, Mrs. Hauser, Ms. Indrigo, Mrs. Montalbano, Mrs. Peters
Administrator: Mrs. DeCicco
“Schools exist to promote learning in all their inhabitants. Whether we are teachers, principals, professors, or parents, our primary responsibility is to promote learning in others and in ourselves.”
~Roland Barth (former teacher & principal and founder of the Harvard Principal Center)