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Sachem North High School


Week of February 3, 2025

~Applications are now being accepted for the 2025-26 Sachem North History Honor Society.  Students must fill-out the Google Form using ONLY their Sachem Gmail accounts.  Students should turn in the application by Friday, February 7th, 2025.  Any questions? See Mrs. Pickersgill in D221.


~We are now collecting ”Remember When” and “Candid” photos for the yearbook. You can submit your photos to any of the yearbook managers by Friday, February 7th. See the posts on the Google classroom for more information.


~Attention Seniors! To help celebrate your hard work and commitments, we have opened a website so you may purchase graduation regalia. This will be the only opportunity to purchase your own gown, cap and tassel so you may take photos to share with family, friends and to have a keepsake of this important milestone. Material will be shipped to the school and distributed at graduation rehearsal in June. Please go to North’s home page and there will be a link to make the purchase. All orders must be placed by 3/14/25.


~Attention students going on the BOCES field trip on Wednesday, February 5th. Please check the lists outside of the guidance office and the Library for your bus. Please report to the hallway outside of the cafeteria by 7:10 am.


~Unified varsity Bowling team is looking for players of all abilities to become mentos and partners. If you are interested, please stop by guidance to see Mr. Masone or F106 for Ms. Frosina.


~The Speech department will be having their Valentine pop up shop today and Wednesday selling cards, chocolate covered pretzels and crocheted plushie gifts.


~Any Sophomore or Junior interested in attending BOCES next year please see your Guidance Counselor for an application. Applications are due to guidance by Monday, February 10, 2025.


Week of 2/3/25
SAT/ACT upcoming test dates and registration deadlines:
SAT: 3/8/2025 test day- registration deadline: 2/21/25 LATE registration deadline: 2/25/25
ACT:4/5/2025 test day- registration deadline 2/28/25 LATE registration deadline: 3/16/25


BOCES applications are available in the guidance office. All 10th and an 11th grade students interested in attending BOCES next year can see their counselor for an application.  All applications are due back to guidance on or before February 10, 2025.

Attention all students going on the BOCES Visitors Day Field Trip this Wednesday, February 5, please check the lists outside the guidance office and library for your bus assignment.  All attendees must meet outside the cafeteria by the doors no later than 7:10am.  Buses will depart at 7:15am and return at the beginning of 6th period.  Any questions see your counselor in guidance.

BOCES Open House is Thursday February 6, 2025, 6:30-8:30pm at both centers, stop into guidance for more information.

Scheduling for the 2025-2026 school year has begun.  Counselors will be meeting students January 13th through February 14th to confirm course requests. A slide show will be posted in the Guidance Google Classrooms showing students how to enter their course requests. If students have any questions, please schedule an appointment with your guidance counselor.

Seniors Class of 2025

FAFSA is now active! Seniors, please log on and create your accounts to submit your financial aid to your prospective colleges.

Student of the Day

Today’s student of the day is Cy Pinto
nominated by Mrs. Kiely
Mrs. Kiely says, I am so happy to have Cy in class this year. He is so kind, caring, compassionate and genuinely excited about everything we do in class. He always makes sure to ask me how I am doing which means so much. I have loved getting to know him and appreciate all he does to make our class and school a better place. Great job Cy!
Today’s student of the day is Jack Kelly
nominated by Mrs. Corral and Mrs. Hart
The teachers say, Jack is a pleasure to have in class. His respectful nature and willingness to engage in discussions make a significant impact on the learning environment. He constantly shows kindness and consideration toward both his peers and teachers, which makes him a role model for others.  Great job Jack! 
Today’s student of the day is Connor Bulzoni
nominated by Mrs. Perkins
Mrs. Perkins says, Connor is a hardworking, polite, considerate young man who is always willing to help his teachers and peers. Connor displays kindness to others in class. Great job, Connor!

Today’s student of the day is Bella Meichner
nominated by Mrs. Downs
Mrs. Downs says, if you look up empathy in the dictionary you will see a picture of Bella. We hope to be part of raising real learners in public education; it's a thrill when we get to be part of the lives of real humans, as well. These qualities tend to be harder to find as we move through the long days in a high school. Bella is the exception! Great job Bella!