Phone: (631)471-1700 | Ext. 3 Fax: (631) 41-8912
Counseling Services: On-line Services for Parents/Students
The Samoset Guidance Department consists of three counselors. The main purpose of the department is to provide academic and emotional support for the students at Samoset. Each counselor is assigned students by their last name. All students are highly encouraged to see their counselor throughout the year when they are experiencing difficulties or have questions that need answers. Parents are invited to call their child’s counselor with academic, career, and social/emotional concerns they have regarding their child.
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Ms. Huisman: Grade8 Mr. Duffy: Grade 7 Ms. Capuano: Grade 6
Social Worker: Mrs. Wottawa (A-K)
Social Worker: Mr. Delisi (L-Z)
Psychologist: Mrs. Gallo
Prevention Counselor:TBD