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Classes Collaborate for Snowflake Activity

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Mrs. Peter’s first grade class and Ms. Loffredo’s fourth grade class at Merrimac Elementary School teamed up for a collaborative activity about snowflakes on Jan. 5, just ahead of a forecasted snowfall. The buddy classes met to discover what makes each student as unique as a snowflake, while incorporating principles of science, English language arts and social-emotional learning.

Prior to the meeting, the classes learned how snowflakes formed. They learned as ice crystals fall to the ground, water vapor freezes onto the primary crystal, building new crystals which become the six arms of a snowflake. Passing through the varied atmosphere conditions is what creates beautiful and one-of-a-kind snowflakes. The classes then collaborated to create their own snowflake designs and complete a writing piece describing their unique interests.

Merrimac Elementary School has had a class buddy system in place for years where older classes are paired with younger classes for projects and activities. Implementing a buddy system accelerates social skills for all ages, gives students the opportunity to practice positive peer interactions and is fun for all involved.

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Date Added: 1/11/2024